First explain that the diet is not only slimming , but it is the set of what we eat and how we eat . So there are fattening diets, slimming, calorie, calorie, etc.. I
also dispel the said that the bread and pasta fat. NOT true!
It is true however that if we eat too much, our body converts carbohydrates, complex sugars that are present in them in fat.
For this and other reasons, it always feels say that the diet should be balanced.
In short better to eat little of everything.
Things to highlight: also are IMPORTANT Fats in our diet, because in Together they contain the fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, K and F, very useful and essential for our body.
dispel this myth, and misunderstanding ...
is NOT a diet, even if you lose a few pounds, and you should still ask your doctor if you have doubts.
What is certain is that it helps to deflate and to begin to digest better .
The basic food groups are 7 described in the picture below.
The diet works so
* Every day you remove the foods that belong to a food group . If you have allergies to start their own advice from those foods. Council not to remove VI and VII group for last because fiber and vitamins are the foundation of our health.
* At the 7 th day removes the last food group.
* Dall ' 8 ° to 10 ° day, one lives in broths and fruit juices.
The broth should be prepared with spices, herbs and vegetables, adding an occasional piece of lean meat, salt to taste. Boil for 1 hour, remove the vegetables and meat, then it warm or cold according to taste.
Even fruit juices would be better prepare them at home , but you can also use those bought as long as you add a few drops of lemon , important source of Vitamin C.
* Dall ' days at 11 ° 17 ° you must re-enter a daily food group in the reverse order to that used in the first week of taking them off.
* You should not repeat this diet before made a break of at least one month .
In the intervals, and forever, it would be very useful to follow some healthy rules of healthy eating I remind you that here.
1. Prefer liquid into solid fats. Better raw or cooked.
2. Better small meals more than just one big: your stomach gets used to receive smaller amounts of food and will tend to deflate.
3. Prefer fruit and vegetables in season .
4. expects, however, digestion is completed before swallowing foods.
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