Saturday, February 12, 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ecotourism

CARDUCCI RECOMMENDED San \u200b\u200bMiniato (first part)

Francesco Fiumalbi

This must be regarded as the first intervention of a wider range of the residence of San Miniato Carducci. It is a sequence of events that took place in the 1856-57 biennium, which will mark the same Carducci, both human and in his literary production, we will account for an excuse to get closer to the historical and social insight of San Miniato pre-unification.

After 1854, San Miniato was a school gymnasium with the chairs of Higher Rhetoric; Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic, Geometry and Algebra, Advanced Italian Grammar and Latin America, Humanity and Rhetoric Less (1). The establishment of a school gymnasium also included the assumption of the "master" task for the then Gonfaloniere Civic Community (now the Mayor).
In June 1856, on page 3 of number 141 of the newspaper "Monitore Toscano (Florence newspaper now lost) was issued the following warning (2):

the banner of Community Civica di San Miniato gives notice to all those who wish to participate in the following applications that vacano School gymnasium in this city and municipal office to send a postage paid stamped paper in their bodies throughout the day July 3, together with the diploma suitability to teach the word of which the Law of 16 April 1854, preventing non-conforming to these requirements will not be taken into account by the Magistrate at the time demands on the provision of vacant seats.
These jobs consist of grammar schools:
1 - The Master with the obligation Superior to teach Italian and Latin Grammar, and Humanity with two classes of Scolari, coll'appuntamento annual L. 840.
2 - The Master of Rhetoric with the annual appointment of L. 924.
And in secondary schools:
3 - The Master with the obligation to teach calligraphy, arithmetic, theoretical and practical, elementary geometry, and geometric designs, coll'appuntamento annual L . 800.
4 - The Master with the obligation of teaching Italian grammar, exercises properly speaking their mother language, elements of geography and cosmography, and especially of sacred history and secular country, coll'annuo appointment of L. 800.

charges of each teacher are drawn from the upper Rules approved and will be made of the ostensible competitors nell'Uffizio Secretary Gonfaloniere.
San Miniato from the Town Hall, 17 June 1856 there
The Gonfalonier
Carlo Taddei

Ex-convent of SS. Trinity, then grammar, elementary and middle schools today
Photos of Francis Fiumalbi

This document provides us with much information.
least until the time unit, the "teachers" were not selected and sent by a special Ministry of Education, but belonged to the Standard bearer of the civic community.
A missing San Miniato figures for the teaching of these disciplines, especially since the establishment of secondary schools was limited only to major cities such as Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Pistoia, Arezzo, Siena and Livorno (3), and then there were people possess the necessary "certificate of fitness". In fact these notices of contest were announced and recruitment affixed to the public (today we would call the Roll Pretorio) and only if they were not submitted questions they proceeded to "alert" papers (4), as in this case.
The Rhetoric (or rhetoric) was a very complex discipline, a little 'Literature and a bit' Philosophy was intended to learn how to organize the language of the individual above all through the study of classical works (5), and for this the teacher in charge of this "matter" salary is higher.
curious that the notice has been published on June 17 and has to end July 3. Competitors also thinking to communication systems and transportation of the time, had very few days to decide, just 17 days! In addition, candidates must appear in person because, before taking a final decision would have to see the regulation that would show them only in the Office Secretary of Gonfaloniere. In short, those who were willing to participate had to be well decided.
On these dates we will come back later, because it will be crucial, together with the documents re-present, to demonstrate incontrovertibly that the contest was "settled."

bust sculpted by Ezio Ceccarelli
San Miniato, Public Gardens

the competition held by the bearer of three candidates answered San Miniato (6):
1 - Luigi Tarducci, former Master of Rhetoric in the grammar of which exhibit attesatato Montevarchi and suitability as required by law;
2 - Joseph Anton Francesco Grazzini, Canon of the Cathedral of Colle Val d'Elsa, who taught for 36 (trentasei!) years in the Gymnasium of Figline Val d'Arno titles and boasted numerous educational and study a lot and wanted to get a transfer to San Miniato, demonstrated by a letter in which he asked his attention to his candidacy;
3 - Joshua Carducci, born in Valdicastello, City of Pietrasanta, in 1835, son of Michael Carducci and doctor who had recently moved with his family to Santa Maria a Monte, had attended high school Piarist Florence and in 1853 the winner of a contest at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, had enrolled in the Faculty of Arts degree in Philosophy and Philology in 1856 (7).

As you know, the winner turned twenty-one Carducci, beating off competition consists of people a lot longer holds him and the good sense of how each would require favored. How did the young Carducci to get the field position? What pressures were brought to the bearer of San Miniato that the choice fell on the future Nobel Prize for Literature?

We'll find out in the second half.

(1) State Archive of Florence, Prefecture, strand 80, Resolution of the Ministry of Education of 19 June 1854 Gabriela Boldrini, School and Society in San Miniato from Napoleonic rule Unification of Italy , Thesis, Faculty of Education Teaching Institute of the University of Florence, AA 1983/84.
(2) Antonio Gamucci, Gymnasium Sanminiatese the "resources" , in Bulletin of the Academy Euteleti No 34, 1962, pp. 61-62
(3) Archives of the City of San Miniato, Correspondence of Gonfaloniere, F. 2310, circular from the Ministry of Public Instruction 30/1860, c. 499 in Boldrini, Op Cit. , p.. 125.
(4) Boldrini, Op. , p.. 135.
(6) Gamucci, Op Cit. , p.. 62.
(7) Cesare Segre, Clelia Martignoni, Guide to Italian literature - texts in history - the unification of Italy in 3 today, by Lavezzi, Martignoni, Saccani, Sarzana, Milan, Mondadori publisher, 1996


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