Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Best First Signs Of Ageing Cream

Interpretation of screams and dreams

R obert Graves, The Scream [1929], Milano, Adelphi, 2010

A short book of light and dark, disturbing and ambiguous as some of the first glimpses Lang Perhaps Buñuel, and perhaps it is no coincidence that The Scream was composed of the same year Un chien andalou . This story long, and neanchetantolungo, is made almost entirely from the narrative, in the third person - by Crossley, the most intelligent and educated inmate of the asylum - of a strange story of madness, love, subjugation, identity, dreams. Roger Caillois, it The incertitude here vient des rêves, melancholy draws with the elusiveness of the boundaries between waking and dreaming, and infiltration in the real existence of any loss of dreams.
impassable and lonely world of the night is well made by the connotative Italian translation of Caillois, Desert dream. And the dunes ( There is no life or death on the dunes. On the dunes can happen ) are set parallel to the dreams of the young couple's romance, liabilities Rachel and Richard, those two dreams, perfectly complementary, the 'a key of the other, introducing the "Australian", the traveler who has learned the magic Aboriginal url terrifying and that will upset the couple's life.
Maybe. Mediators in the sequence of objects of great tradition and magic of imagination and psychoanalytic, you lose the boundaries between truth and folly, nightmare and reality. The story is always the same, but sometimes I change the highlight and he even re-distribute the shares. Variations that keep the freshness and therefore the truth itself, so Crossley, internship, introduces his story. Who did what?
The shroud of the final - the blanket of dull stupidity of "normal" - irricomponibile cover the tragedy of a broken mirror of self, a soul-rock split in four. "When I walk the streets I always feel that someone is following me, but I, who are chasing me. Silent, but I I feel it. Often I seem to run after me. So I want to run away, run away, but I can not escape! I have to go out and chased. " (M, The Monster of Düsseldorf)


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