Sull ' Garlic ...
In European folklore, it was believed that garlic held away vampires and wearing in a bag around the neck .
Customs on the grounds that vampires were regarded as pests, and then, as garlic has anti-bacterial and anti parasitic, they could keep out.
Customs on the grounds that vampires were regarded as pests, and then, as garlic has anti-bacterial and anti parasitic, they could keep out.
He also believed that the sse away evil spirits and witches .
... From wikipedia ...
j | |
agl ' | |
àjjiu | |
agl ' | |
aij | |
àggio | |
aj | |
àj, ajo, aju, agghië | |
aj | |
Haggi, AIJU | |
aluminum, Azu | |
agghiu , Haggi | |
ease, ajo |
; ; ;
Sull ' Laurel ...
For softer hands: let eg 5 minutes to soak in a decoction made from bay leaves in 8 1 / 2 liter of water.
... From Wikipedia ...
On Basil ...
Of Indian origin probably , from the many varieties of basil was the original name "tulsi" and has traveled all over the world by airline travelers, because they believed a powerful medicinal .
The name derives from the greek 'Basileus', which means "King."
In India is a sacred plant identified with the goddess of beauty and harmony, invoked to protect the body and give children who want them.
The Greeks and Romans thought that to grow healthy plants had to accompany the seed with insults and curses.
... From Wikipedia ...
The Onion ...
Coming from western Asia, already routinely used by the Egyptians in 3200 BC, was introduced to Europe by the Greeks.
... From Wikipedia ...
Of Indian origin probably , from the many varieties of basil was the original name "tulsi" and has traveled all over the world by airline travelers, because they believed a powerful medicinal .
The name derives from the greek 'Basileus', which means "King."
In India is a sacred plant identified with the goddess of beauty and harmony, invoked to protect the body and give children who want them.
The Greeks and Romans thought that to grow healthy plants had to accompany the seed with insults and curses.
... From Wikipedia ...
Names regional
masanicola, vasalicòl | |
basilicò; vasanicòla | |
vasenicola - vasilicoja | |
baxeicò | |
basìlic | |
vasilico, basilico | |
vassanecôl | |
vasenecole (Bari), masaricoi (Salento) | |
afràbica, fràbica | |
vasilicò | |
The Onion ...
Coming from western Asia, already routinely used by the Egyptians in 3200 BC, was introduced to Europe by the Greeks.
... From Wikipedia ...
onion | |
c'podda | |
cipuja, cipuda, cipuddha | |
onion, Cepolla | |
sigolo, zivàlla, turf, zvòlla | |
civòla | |
çioula, seulla | |
scigòla, sigùla, scigùll | |
cipolla | |
cepólle | |
siola, sciula | |
cipodda, cipuddrha | |
cipudda, chipudda, ziodda, ciodda, ciudda | |
cipudda | |
zigola | |
ségola, zèola, zèula |
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