are two types of contamination from Chemicals and Microorganisms .
Among chemicals are pesticides (used in agricolura to ensure that crops are damaged by pests, mold, insects, etc.), medications (such as antibiotics given to animals), nitrate (Naturally present in the soil increased with chemical fertilizers), nitrosamines (results from the union of nitrate with amines in food), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (found in smoked foods), heavy metals (cadmium, lead, Mercury, Arsenic (resulting from industrial processes), and dioxins (byproducts of industrial activities).
Among chemicals are pesticides (used in agricolura to ensure that crops are damaged by pests, mold, insects, etc.), medications (such as antibiotics given to animals), nitrate (Naturally present in the soil increased with chemical fertilizers), nitrosamines (results from the union of nitrate with amines in food), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (found in smoked foods), heavy metals (cadmium, lead, Mercury, Arsenic (resulting from industrial processes), and dioxins (byproducts of industrial activities).
The advice to avoid intoxicated, however, are very simple:
1 . Ask a varied diet that contains, over the week, all categories of foods at our disposal;
2. Carefully wash fruits and vegetables, adding water bicarbonate;
3. Peel the fruit when you are not sure of the origin;
4. Prefer organically grown fruits and vegetables.
Among the microorganisms are the Mycotoxins produced by certain molds (which are cancer), some bacteria such as salmonella, listeria and Escherichia coli (which can cause serious illness and intoxication).
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