Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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In Urbino was the good air

Since today is a day for me a bit 'special, it's time, in this category Comments oubique , an observation certainly oubiqua and staff, linked to My life beyond the leaf.
Ludovico Agostini, quirky intellectual Pesaro, square root Counter ideologue, in his dialogue The Infinite (1593) reinterprets the now gone eden of Urbino of the Courtier proposing it a political utopia second backward and ottimatizia. It contains the description Theophrastus and landscape because it made me smile thinking of a phrase I heard often.

there missing there [Urbino] what you want - especially on Cape Focara, north of Pesaro - vagaremo no elsewhere to find better site than this ov'al we are. [...] The air soles nature of these countries produce temperate men do 'vices, docile in all sorts of science, strong in war, civil peace, friends of every man, enemy of none and for so longa habit unaccustomed all'obedienza well, That princes they are always so good to their glory, as they made glorious regiment of the principality and those among princes of the universe all at all singular examples of religion and justice.

The fresh air, then. Temperate people, civilians, lovers of knowledge. Too bad the Pesaro and temperate Agostini had to leave because the University of Padua killed a comrade. Patience, come on, the balance will be consistent with age, perhaps when the Pesaro Agostini, in his major work, the Syrian Days - villa set in the Della Rovere of Soria, from parts of the bay Flaminia because those who Air enjoys good wishes - inscenerĂ  a dialogue between characters who are hypostasis express aspects of his character: the stupid, Foiled, the opposition, the mercurial, the confused, the compartment.


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