Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prosti Aubrey Miles Free Watch

the fresco of St. James

Francesco Fiumalbi

The church called "San Domenico is one of the most beautiful among those present San Miniato. Third in order of magnitude, the church owes its name to the Dominican convent. In reality the building is dedicated to the worship of Saints James and Lucia. This double dedication has probably its origin in the merger of two separate churches, although there are no documents in this regard.
Given the amount of information and artistic works relating to this church, it is practically impossible to exhaust the discussion in a single solution. In this article we will talk only to one small aspect: a painting referred to San Jacopo.

Church of St. James and Lucia, facade

Inside Church of Saints James and Lucia di San Miniato is in fact a very particular fresco. The pictorial work of the church is located on the counter, the right side when entering, above a small altar, contained in what is commonly called a "arcosolium", that culminated in a niche by an arch, which was inserted a tomb or an altar. According to tradition, San Miniato, represents the transport by sea of \u200b\u200bthe body of St. James to the shores of Galicia. Let's see who was St. James and which has relevance to the church of SS. James and Lucy.

St. James is a name which is often known the Apostle James called "the Greater". Son of Zebedee and Salome, was the brother of the Apostle John.

" Passing along the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. Jesus said unto them, Follow me, I will make you fishers of men. " And immediately they left their nets and followed him. Going a little further, also on the boat saw James son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were mending their nets. He called them. And they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him "
Marco, 1, 16-22.

was therefore a common fisherman who drew their livelihood from the waters of Lake Tiberias. Jesus called him to become, along with others, "fisher of men." Followed, together with the other apostles of Christ and the earthly events he witnessed, along with the apostle Peter, the Transfiguration. Giacomo (or Jacopo) took a leading role within the Christian community in Jerusalem, so that King Herod Agrippa the First he ordered the death, which occurred, according to tradition, collected by Jacopo da Varazze in the "Golden Legend" by decapitation. However there is no documentary evidence of this fact. Giacomo (or Jacopo) became the first martyr among the apostles. Also according to tradition, the followers of James (or James) transported her body in Galicia (although there are legends that tell otherwise) at the existing Santiago de Compostela (Sancti Jacobi, who was pronounced in old English Sant Yago, Santiago then).
The anniversary of St. James, St. James, or Sant Yago, is celebrated July 25.
You can not establish an exact date for this fresco. We know that in 1324 the "workers church "obtained by Mr. Twelve, which is the highest judiciary of the City, to be able to enlarge the church in the direction of the city walls, then south (1). This happened when the church of SS. James and Lucy was a suffragan of the parish church of SS Maria Assunta and Genesis, then Church Cathedral. In fact, the building was granted to the Dominican fathers only in 1330 by the will of Hugh Malpigli, when the parish became vacant following the death of its last Prior, the father Betto (2). Throughout the '300 there are many legacies, especially after the 1348 plague. These offers or benefits to land, went to "equip" the chapels which were built: St Matthew (later Sant'Urbano) Corpus Christi (then Grifoni), SS Cosma e Damiano (then-Chellini Sanmina-Pazzi), S. John the Baptist and SS. Annunziata (3). We have news that work is carried out in 1394 for the facade, where a house was alienated mail Borgonuovo (4). In 1404 a chapel was completed in honor of St. James is also the Master of Master Giovanni Jacopo de 'Bernardi had left open in 1384 (5), and were completed by his sons Jacobus and Ser Magister Hieronymus, as indicated by a lost inscription on the painting (6).
Could it be, then, that the small chapel with its apparatus in question is precisely that of the fresco painting in question. A confirmation could come from a stylistic point of view, placing the painting in fact in the late '300 and early '400, although we can not rule out further changes. The fate of the chapel dedicated to San Jacopo similar to the other along the sides of the aisle who were swabbed along the 600. In their place, as many altars were placed, so that we do not know the representations previously located within the three-arched niches fifteenth (7). For example, the same chapel dedicated to St. James, was to include the table with St. Jerome in His Study, by Cenni di Francesco, now in the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art (8).
The detail that inevitably affects of this fresco is the group of fish that swims in the sea under the boat. These figures are characterized by a body of marine fish and human heads or demonic. E 'was suggested a link with the mission of James, namely that of being a "fisher of men" and then called to discern between demons and men "to fish" as an ordinary fisherman, once you pull up the nets , takes the good fish and discarding what is not good (9). However, it seems more plausible reflection made by Nistri Ross: "The incident arrival (...) the body of a holy place to which it was intended (as he had noticed the Bollandist Hippolyte Delehaye) is a topical subject of hagiographic narratives and its function is to accredit the divine will and its protective power to the saint himself. (...) The fact that among the inhabitants of the deep there are only monsters (or pluriteriomorfe antropoteriomorfe: see Jurgis Baltrusaitis) and even a good fish leads me to believe that the narrative intent is (...) the description set out, as the popular imagination at the time of the immense dangers that faced the spacecraft into the open ocean (...) and that could be overcome only because protected by the divine will: the more danger the greater the divine benevolence of the saint is addressed and who is able to pass as an intercessor for humanity .
Also interesting is the way it portrayed the wind be very curious with a face like to human. It 'obvious reference to the pace of the Synoptic Gospels of "Calming of the Storm" (Matthew 8.23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8.22-25) in which Jesus "rebukes" the winds . It seems that the wind itself is an entity that, in the case of transportation of the body of St. James, through the Holy Spirit leads the boat on the shores of Galicia. The wind as an instrument of divine will.
We shall now try to understand the artistic context within which places our fresco. It is not easy and it should be pointed out that what you say is the result of logical considerations strongly liable to error.
The pictorial context in which it appears is to be found in the painters of the so-called "school of Giotto, that is to say that painting movement of the fourteenth century, which were part of a large number of artists associated with the teaching and imitation of models of Giotto (10).
First we note that the painting was most likely made other than in two stages, by two different hands. We observe, in fact, that while the boat with the remains of St. James is characterized by a good wealth of detail, the figures of the fish are rather simplified and the same wave at the top is much more defined than the lower portion, not to mention some color change, although it might be due to a different condition. The two figures, placed in the side walls of the niche, may have been painted by another hand again. The colors are quite different (For example, the hair of the figures, but also the costumes) seem quite similar, while the halos. It is quite plausible as the chapel was built in stages. Then it was very common for the master painter is only the main part, the cornerstone of the frescoes (and also of other paintings in general), leaving portions of the secondary students. The same teacher may have made the figures of St. Peter and St. Paul, respectively, to the left and right of the altar, and the figures at the soffit of the arch that crowns the chapel, which should portray the same saints (11).
While the subjects are marine essentially unknown in the landscape painters of the time, it is reasonable to ask who might be inspired by our artist for the representation of the main scene or transportation to ship the body of St. James. It 'good to clear that what you will say it is only a hypothesis and as such must be considered, because there are no detailed studies in this direction and this writer is absolutely not an expert in painting.
Art historians seem divided on this fresco: on one side Bernard Berenson (12), Van Marle (13) agree to the authorship attribution Rossello di Jacopo Franchi, posing as dating the second decade of the '400 and assuming the same hand for the other chapel located on the left side, for those who enter, the counter, take a different view Federico Zeri (14) that approaches the paternity of a Pseudo-Ambrose Baldese, a hypothesis originally advanced by Serena Padovani (15) but remains cautious, calling the author of the transport master of St. James.
seems evident that none of the above hypothesis meets the full problem of the attribution of the fresco in question. So who could have been?

You can not answer the question. However, the writer wishes to propose a new track to follow. The subject of the boat is highly reminiscent of a fresco by Andrea di Bonaiuto in the English Chapel at the Convent of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. The painting depicts "The ship of the apostles in the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee."

Click here to see the fresco by Andrea di Bonaiuto in Santa Maria Novella:

It 'obvious that the work of Andrea di Bonaiuto an invoice is considerably more refined, however, would appear to be the model to which our artist may have inspired. In particular for the design of the ship's stern, mast, sail and ropes capable of sailing to the government seem to have a common matrix. Andrea di Bonaiuto painted the English Chapel around 1365, when we find him active in the Cemetery of Pisa around 1377.
Our fresco is, in all probability, a few years back, but both the geographical area in which Andrea di Bonaiuto and the same Order of the Dominican convent of Santa Maria Novella and the church of SS. James and Lucia di San Miniato corroborate what still remains a hypothesis which is that our artist had to know the work of Andrea di Bonaiuto. The name of our artist is surely to be found in Florence, among those who worked for the Dominicans, taking into account that the chapel of St. James was completed in 1404. This time limit would not drop the assumptions made by historians, who still seem partly erroneous.
While Pseudo-Ambrose Baldese seems correct the proximity of the side figures of St. Peter and St. Paul, see Madonna Child kept in the Museum of Sacred Art of Certaldo, the same can not be said of the upper part of the fresco, or boat with the body of St. James. Federico Zeri note that one of the characteristics of Pseudo-Ambrose Baldese of the nose is quite straight. Fact that we find in the figures side, but not in people who are on the boat. And figures of this fish, the author remains unknown for now.

Click here to see the Madonna and Child by Pseudo-Ambrose Baldese:

(1) Chronicle San Jacopo , c. 34, TS Centi, P. Morelli, L. Tognetti, " SS. James and Lucy: a church, a convent ", Academy of Euteleti, San Miniato, 1995, p.. 84.
(2) Chronicle of San Jacopo , c. 3, TS Centi, P. Morelli, L. Tognetti, Op Cit. , p.. 86.
(3) TS Centi, P. Morelli, L. Tognetti, Op Cit. , pp. 89-101.
(4) Chronicle of San Jacopo , c. 3, TS Centi, P. Morelli, L. Tognetti, Op Cit. , p.. 86.
(5) Ibid.
(6) Pasquinucci Simon, " fourteenth-century paintings: the reconstruction of a furniture ", in Antonio D'Aniello (ed.), " Painting and Sculpture in the church of San Domenico San Miniato "CRSM, Pacini Editore, San Miniato, 1998, p.. 31.
(7) Claudio Casini, " The sculpture finds liturgical furnishings" in D'Aniello Op Cit. , p.. 21.
(8) Pasquinucci Simona, Op Cit. , p. 31.
(9) Chronicle of San Jacopo , c. 3, TS Centi, P. Morelli, L. Tognetti, Op Cit. , p.. 135.
(11) Pasquinucci Simona, Op Cit. , p. 31.
(12) Bernard Berenson, "Italian two illustrations of the Speculum Salvationis ", in Art Bulletin, V, 1926, pp. 289-320.
(13) Van Marle, " The Development of the Italian School of Painting ", IX, 1927, The Hague.
(14) news reported by Linda Pisani in " Late Gothic Painting in Florence in the thirties of the fifteenth century: the case of Pseudo Ambrogio di Baldese " in Mitteilungen des Institutes in Kunsthistorischen Florenz, 45. Bd, H. 1 / 2 (2001), pp. 1-36.
(15) Serena Padovani, in " Treasures of Ancient Art at San Miniato ", edited by P. Torriti, Genova, 1979.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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THE LABYRINTH OF THE CATHEDRAL new lines of research (Third PART)

Francesco Fiumalbi

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The two previous hypothesis, formulated in the second part of the new research, do not take into account what has already been assumed in the first two articles. As mentioned, may be fantastic, but it is useful to consider other ways, you can take if the principal appears abruptly stopped. For the moment it is not.

The labyrinth of the Cathedral of San Miniato
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

article " The labyrinth of the Cathedral of San Miniato " , was told that the labyrinth, as it was called, could be an element of recognition in the middle of the road junction between the via Francigena and via Quinctia . It was hypothesized that this marble bas-relief was part of a larger system and had been proposed as a place to rediscover the original parish church of San Genesio, Vico Wallari in place, between La Scala and Ponte a Elsa.
What might change if, instead of "Labyrinth" is known as "triple circle"?
First, it is worth pointing out that often the image of the Labyrinth has been compared to that of the triple circle, and in some cases are even match, both as blueprints that as the path of initiation (1).
hypothesis already stated it does not fall at all, but is enriched with new details. The artifact that could indicate something very important: the symbol of the Holy City, Jerusalem.
The holy city to the three monotheistic religions, at the time of the Crusades was defended by three orders walls.

Hartmann Schedel, Hierosolima (Jerusalem), 1493

iconography Party on Jerusalem is intended to recognize the 12 ports, 4 for each city walls, that distinguished the city. As previously mentioned, often the symbol of the Triple Cinta is accompanied four arms. These indicating a precisely doors and the paths to get to the center (2). That fact, however, can not be said for our relief.
good for giving the original location at the Church of St. Genesius, the cornerstone of the road system Francigena , there arises the question whether the relief is not related to the Knights Templar. The said order, in addition to ensuring the protection of pilgrims in the Holy Land, was in charge of protection and care even to those who undertake trips to the destinations of Rome and Santiago de Compostela. Along the way Francigena had developed tasks and Commander Knights Templar (3). The symbol the Triple Cinta is tied hand in glove with these riders: first for the likely stylization of the city of Jerusalem and, secondly, for some drawings graffiti found in the tower of the castle of Chinon (4), France, and were attributed to members of the Order who were imprisoned there between 1307 and 1309 following the arrest by order of Philip IV the Fair (5).
It 'possible that San Genesio there was a place of Templar? The name Genesio, apparently derives from Dionisio or Denis, Denis, or the French. Historians are still questioning the link between the Templars and the Church Paris-Saint Denis, whose construction seems to have benefited from a contribution, economic and stylistic, fundamental right by those Knights (6).

Cathedral of San Miniato
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

This hypothesis is not excluded. According to this interpretation, the headquarters of the Templar was eventually transferred to the church of Santa Maria, now the Church dedicated to St. Mary's Cathedral Assumption and Genesis, with the destruction of the village, which took place in 1248. Recall that San Miniato, and before that San Genesio, depended on the diocese of Lucca, in which there is documented the presence of the Templars. And right next to the Cathedral of Lucca, where the maze already indicated in the previous article, there are examples of triple circle, especially on the seat of a building in Cathedral Square.

(... continued ...)

Related Articles:

1) Uber Marisa and Giulio Coluzzi, triple circle of places in Italy, Eremon edition, April, 2008.
2) Ibid.
4) Uberti and Coluzzi, Op Cit.
5) # La_Caduta_e_la_soppressione
6) the economy. htm

Friday, November 19, 2010

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1, S-GUIDED TOUR in San Miniato

The normal academic visits bore you?
Do not waste time hiding your next yawn!

join a tour organized by S-GUIDED SMARTARC. A walk unconventional urban, to discover those little details that really make history, where there is a guide! Participants will lead the expedition through a continuous exchange of experiences, emotions and knowledge!
There are surprises at every corner! One way to look at the place where you born, raised / a, lived / at or just past / a, with different eyes.

Do not miss Sunday, November 21, 2010 ! Meeting in Piazza Mazzini (the little square next to City Hall) 10:15 am to . About 2 hours.

Obviously, participation is absolutely free!

The only small formalities that you have completed in order to take part in the walk, you confirm your attendance within 20 hours of Saturday, November 20, sending a message to SMARTARC on Facebook or by e- mail to smartarc.blogspot @

The S-Guided Tour will also take place in bad weather.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Decor Made Of Straw

Francesco Fiumalbi

Related Items:

speak of "sources" in San Miniato is extremely difficult. In the recent book by Delio Fiordispina and Manuela Paredes "Wells, wells, cisterns and aqueducts, FM Publishing, the authors have sought to address the topic in a relatively large time span, from the 700 at the beginning '900, without touching the real heart of the matter.
The question that arises almost spontaneously, is: how did the inhabitants of San Miniato hill to get water in late medieval times?
Could happen with all supply wells and tanks?
Now we need to make some logical considerations. Who could afford, say from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century, a well or cistern? The answer is quite simple: the haves and the leaders of the imperial first, and then city. Certainly not the poor people, who lived mostly in modest houses and had no sure the availability of space for economic and develop such systems collect water. The procurement was done by force, but through these systems, at least not alone. Here our interest focuses on some sites, now abandoned, which once had to ensure the water supply to the population of San Miniato: the three sources, each for each "third". In this article we will complete the so-called "Sources with the Fairies", leaving to others the discussion of other interventions.

Sources to Do
Videos Francesco Fiumalbi

Sources with Fate, is actually a natural spring, which was the subject of systemic importance for a better use of water. Index of these water projects is also the name they are called: why they are called in the plural and singular? Why are designated as "sources" and not as "Source"?
To answer this question, it must explain its functioning. The source itself is only one, but structures were built around it that, for the time, were quite complex. The water that flowed on the surface was collected in two pools, arranged by special side rooms and covered with barrel vaults. These basins were headed to a room, from which material was taken from the water through special ports, certainly more than one. Also the two large side tanks were filled with special smaller tanks, placed outside.
The hypothesis advanced by Dilva Lots in San Miniato in Time "about the presence of four tubes is not confirmed. The structure is still clearly with three arches. The photograph published by him in support of the thesis that analysis does not allow that, in the field, was shown to be negative.

Block diagram of the Sources to Make

Sources with Fate, fornix input

The initial thesis that sees the structure as an important source for water supply is supported by the size and shape of the building. Here's why.
Sources can be found at the end of the Fairies a little road that goes down below the current sources via the Fairies, the road leading to the new car park with lift. It 'an area that has northern exposure and therefore less hospitable because less illuminated by the sun, especially in winter and where the pounding wind. In fact it is an area virtually uninhabited, uncultivated and left to the forest. It 'too far from major roads. We find in an isolated, inhospitable and difficult to access. How do you explain, however, that around the source was built such a structure? The answer is easy: the thirst.
Evidently other sources, wells and tanks present in San Miniato were not sufficient for the needs of public water sources that are also used to Fate. It is not even a permissible agricultural use, because the North orientation does not facilitate the cultivation and there are no channels for this purpose. The only plausible reason is that the fortified town of San Miniato had damn need of water, so that people would be willing to walk a lot 'out of town just to procure. As mentioned Delio Fiordispina and Manuela Paredes in their above-mentioned publication, San Miniato throughout the 800 had problems with lack of water. The number of inhabitants had risen and stood at 3000-4000. The same number, Francesco Salvestrini in a recent conference organized by the Architecture and Territory "Welcome Lanfranco," he referred to as the population of the village of San Miniato before the plague of 1348. The problems of water supply had to be more or less the same. Hence the need to maximize the three sources of the hill. In 800, however, the issue will be addressed by building an aqueduct and large public tanks.

Sources with Fate, internal
Jonathan Giglioli is leading the way
exploration, is the bravest!

Jonathan Giglioli indicates the opening that makes
in communication with the source with the settling tank

How one can easily see from this last image, inside the notch with the source itself, there are also some small stalactites, actually they are called "spaghetti." Huge limestone deposits are synonymous with large amounts calcium in the water, which for centuries has deposited on the surfaces through which flowed.

structure built around the source consists of elements in brick. Indoor plastered with mortar, of course, a hydraulic binder, that is waterproof (unlike, for example, the most famous "lime"). It is not possible to date this artifact, although from sources we have news since the Middle Ages. The bricks used for construction, visible in the arches are well made, with a homogeneous mixture, free of impurities and perfectly cooked in the furnace. This particular write assume the building from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, not before.
It 'most likely to be known as Lots Dilva says in "Time in San Miniato, since Etruscan times. The structure is definitely not as old, at least not in the forms and materials, perhaps due to various successive operations in the Middle Ages, although the presence of all that limestone inside or outside it, suggests several centuries of continuous sedimentation of the mineral .

deposit of limestone exterior

curious is, without doubt, the name. Why "Sources to Do?
In his novel Cornelius Smith attributes this designation to the two sisters who go to the aid of Ciccioni and Mangiadori who were injured during the battle. Thanks to the water source, the two were soon restored.
Obviously Cornelius Smith has worked extensively with the imagination, but we can not exclude that the inspiration for the story has no basis in the folk tradition of San Miniato. The "Fate" inevitably recall the world of magic and the same story attributed to the water source of the miraculous. E ' possible that the spring water has healing powers?
Rossano Nistri, in his article "Waters of the living waters of the dead. Mythologies around the water sources to Do in San Miniato "published in the Bulletin of the Academy of Euteleti No 76, 2009, raises the same question. The answer is no confirmation of this and many non-witnesses reported. That is, if such powers were there really had to be reported in the scientific and geographical narrative. But nobody has ever occupied the Fate of sources, indicating that these waters have no interest, except to be commonly used. Who could deal with it (like in his Repetti Gazetteer of Tuscany, in the Schivardi guide to mineral water, in the Jervis positivist compendium of geology in the Italian territory and the San Miniato chemical Gioacchino Taddei author of an important study on the source at Santa Gonda) did not do so. Therefore, excluding the so-called "placebo effect", the sources from Do not have any healing power. Are very rich in calcium!

The tank right side

the same red Nistri goes on to note that there is a swarm in Tuscany Places with names related to "Fate", the "Nymphs" and the like. Just to name a few, among the most famous, remember the "Sources to Make" Poggibonsi, but there are similar names in Certaldo, Gambassi, Fiesole, Cetona, Pienza, Montepulciano and many other municipalities. The lowest common denominator of all these places to be found clearly in the cultural background of the people who lived in Tuscany. A sort of reflection of pagan traditions, but also the need to give a name and understandable form of what the Romans called "genius loci", which is a bit 'reductively we could put into the "spirit of place".
Rossano Nistri I think in the above article captures very well here, and we report this to his own words: " genius loci, the spirit of that land, that to survive, it becomes god underground water because it is itself springs from the bowels of the earth, but also because it undergoes the reversal of demonization, all'affarmarsi of a new deity, being immortal ... ".
Today, this spirit is perceptible. We modern "rationalist" to define an emotion like that, we use the term "suggestion" suggestion for a site located in the middle of what has every appearance of being a lucus , a sacred grove, though more traditionally popular in reality. As we said in META' PHYSICAL LOCATION, this power is to be found, perhaps, the greatest sources of psychological distance. We get only one who goes in search, otherwise nobody will ever happen, even accidentally. And just ask yourself this research that generates mystic soul that taste evoked by the same term of "Fate".

The source itself,
where with very little light, there is growing an aquatic plant

significant is the memory of the place told by Don Luciano Marrucci. He points out that the sources from Fate was the place where you could spend some 'alone, alone or with few friends. In order to study or just to rest, for surely dreaming. That fact is also confirmed by Rossano Nistri.

Surrounded by oaks and locust trees, there, alone, as in centuries past. A place made to be searched. It found only by those who really chases, even by those who seek only a few minutes of quiet harmony.

The article was written thanks to research in situ Rita Matilde Costagli together with the small, true forerunner to future shipments, which was attended by Francesco Fison, Jonathan Giglioli, Luciano Marrucci and Francis Fiumalbi.

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Francesco Fiumalbi

In a beautiful Saturday morning, we find ourselves at the base, at Moriolo. We are four: Luciano Marrucci, Francesco Fison, Leonardo and Francesco Serrini Fiumalbi. With almost mocking tone, commenting on the clothing over the top of Luciano, who defends himself: let the adventure!
Armed with comfortable shoes, camera and lots of fun going up to the edge of the powerful off-road Leonardo. A quick check to map: ready, go!
Destination: "top secret".

A countryside road San Miniato

The sun is almost up and the main road rushing beneath us. We leave the high road and we enter a road that begins, sweet, to rise. The asphalt from us and a good path opens up before, and soon the jeep will prove crucial. We turn to a secondary path and immediately welcomed us a deep hole that makes us jump. Proceed slowly, even though the four-wheel drive make it easy gait: a normal car would have balked, just like an old mule that has no intention of moving. Finally we come to a clearing: it is better to park.

continue walk, aided by a pair of sticks that we brought back. The temperature is ideal. No mechanical sound, only our feet and a few gusts of wind that, from time to time, moves the surrounding vegetation. We are invaded by ancient odors, and some insects too. Armed with our desire for adventure, let's proceed. The road begins to descend after a turn and the valley opens our eyes. On the left you begin to see an old "peasant" partially hidden by trees.

Hilly San Miniato

We welcome your landlord, a man in his fifties, not very high, but the physical robust. Abandons the work he was doing and we introduce ourselves. Already know the reason for our visit and, without creating unnecessary pleasantries, there way through a small path. Soon we come to a sunny meadow. We begin to look around. Slowly our eyes focus on a few rocky outcrops. These sedimentary rocks, very sandy, yellow in color, almost ocher. They have a special feature: square appear. Picking up some small fragments are very brittle. It falls to a ground breaking along a fault line states that we had not noticed. Begin to occur the first questions: is the work of man? Or Mother Nature has been working there?

The best is yet to come. Not far away, here is check the ground at least three large boulders. They are definitely different. The rock is much harder, brown and appear to be randomly arranged. He approached us a goat and it amuses us. We are here because of his "grandmother" that night, he had chosen as his bed a cavity between the large blocks of stone. This predilection was raised some doubts as to his master, shared time with Luciano Marrucci. The time had passed and it had been "in the cavalry." The two old friends over the years had not forgotten all about that and so, in this beautiful morning awaiting the opinion of the youngest.
With Leonardo and Francis looked puzzled. Possible?

A square rock that rises

begin to test the rocks with tact, as if to caress her. These also seem to square, though in a more coarse. They are willing to "U": two almost parallel, the other above and sideways. We sit on them, we begin to speculate. Luciano Marrucci, with a solemn tone, explains his theory on: it could be a tomb, you see, this is the entrance! These boulders, bigger and different than other stones, are not here by accident. Perhaps it is a burial, probably dating back to Etruscan, whose coverage has plummeted, dropping to its many internal debris.
The owner is more cautious: perhaps these boulders are the result of a landslide are so great that carry them far would be very difficult! Perhaps the cavities that form could be used as a cellar or cool storage.

The three large rocks

Luciano focuses on the stones, while the rest of the company's ventures in the grass. Occurs, the male goat: a fascinating animal that seems to come from a distant world. Unlike the female, not be approached. We went a little further down and Fison Frank gets involved with a pair of donkeys. Amused you portray them.

The goat and rocks

Let us return to housing, where it waits for the supply of water and grape juice. Luciano again exposes his theory, it seems like a biblical prophet: not taken seriously. In fact Francis, Leonard and I have yet to settle what we saw for the first time. His master's wife emerges from the house showing a small fragment of a vase. This is a part of the bit. At first glance it seems an archaic mixture consisting of clay. Has greyish fragments reminiscent of pumice stone, often used as a material reduction of amalgam. Luciano decided to stop conversing with the woman while we are continuing on a short tour around the house. We climb a little and find ourselves for the ailing path from which we came. At one point the owner stops and shows fragments of roof tiles set into the ground of a ridge. Then he points out some bricks placed along the roadway. Distinct, it is the base of an old wall, about a foot thick. Alongside some bricks arranged for the knife. Possible that there was a wall right on site road and has dropped over time?

The foundation of a wall collapsed?

It's getting late and we return to housing assailed by doubts. We greet the host and we thank him for the warm welcome that we have reserved. We reach the cars and we return to base.

Surely the whole territory of the municipality of San Miniato has been permanently inhabited since ancient times, there are many finds evidence scattered here and there. Possible that those three blocks are the remains of an ancient Etruscan burial? Why he would have lost her memory? Yet there is clearly visible.
We are unable to deliver answers, only questions. We leave with a desire to consult a geologist to see if the shape of the stones is compatible with the work of man or is it the result of erosion, and a good archaeologist. Among many questions, officially starting the search.

(more ...)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Francesco Fiumalbi
On 30 October and 2 November 2010 are two articles appeared in The Nation, signed by Charles Baroni, inherent in the seemingly dormant debate on the "Lighthouse" of the Rock.
I was moved to write this article, also because rocking the boat, at least initially, I think I was too. It was early August, when I reported to the Office of Culture of the Municipality of San Miniato to submit for publication on this blog a few images inherent in the Rock. I also requested to have information on the "Lighthouse". I was sent to the Pro Loco, where Ms Nicoletta courses are available to help in the search said. He pointed out, thanks to Mr. Nacci, the "Lighthouse" which came from the German Government War Veterans Association, as conciliatory gestures after the destruction that took place in San Miniato in the summer of 1944. I spoke of it to Don Luciano Marrucci that, after some time, thanks to Facebook, has launched his appeal, collected by journalist Baroni.

" Tourism in San Miniato. I think that San Miniato could play two trump cards (sources in fairies and the site of necropolis known as the goat), but the real wild card is slipped into the ground and was the lighthouse on the Rock: an incredible, an incredible night call to visit this city during the day. "
These are the words of Don Luciano Marrucci. The proposal was also supported by John Smith, "leftist", and said he was willing to talk about the Mayor Vittorio Gabbanini, who spoke on November 2 more in the pages of The Nation.

Let us then investigate the story of the lighthouse, its location until the present day.

The door of the lighthouse, particularly
photography made possible by the generous consent
Mario Caponi

As reported by the Canon Galli-Angelini, in Bulletin of ' Academy of Euteleti No 24, 1947: "After the War of 1915-18 the top of the castle was placed a revolving beacon that every night, throwing his powerful beam of light from the Monte Albano Monte Pisano in the valley of the Arno and the hills that run , beautiful, from San Gimignano, Volterra, recalled the many people who live in the area around the sacrifice of those who had donated to the Motherland ".
was then a light "votive", chosen as a war memorial by a committee composed of citizens, as also noted Carlo Baroni in his article of 30 October, several groups: Orphans, Widows and Mothers of War, the Committee of Votive Chapel and Mercy. To finance the installation was promoted a National Lottery, which, thanks to their success, gave money to the lighthouse and the purchase of an ambulance and the Mercy Seat. The lighthouse was located in 1928 and remained there until 23 July 1944, when the fortress was demolished by the retreating Germans. Even the Canon Galli-Angelini in her diary held during the difficult days of the passage of the front:

" Thursday, July 20, 1944
E 'already done the wiring to detonate the mines put in rock. An electric wire painted red lead from the Piazza del Seminario, the steps of the Loggia, the lawn of the cathedral along the clerk, and brought to the Tower .

"Sunday, July 23, 1944
Late in the evening the Germans, before leaving San Miniato, performed the last destruction of many homes and buildings, and finally around 22.30 pm they explode mines placed in the rock, which instantly fell with great noise. First we heard a big bang followed by a roar and a great glow, and then a black cloud enveloped the hill. When it subsided the fortress was no longer there. So he told an audience that was in Scacciapuce, to the Capuchins. (...) "

The tower, recalls Mario Caponi, San Miniato born in 1923 in his diary, was undermined from within. The explosive was placed on the ground floor and caused the collapse of the rock itself, although some debris fell to the downstream going to partially block May 24 avenue and boulevard Don Manzoni, that is the road that leads from St. Francis in Piazza del Duomo.
Mario Caponi went on the morning of Tuesday, July 25, 1944, in rock to see what was left of the old building. The "Prato della Rocca" was littered with rubble and among them, managed to retrieve a door of the "Lighthouse". In the days after, Mario Caponi, as he says "not crazy", painted with tempera to oil the metal fragment that picked up that day and still jealously preserved in his house.

The door of the lighthouse
photography made possible by the generous consent
Mario Caponi

wire in orange plastic, is a fragment of the "wire stained red lead "mentioned in the Canon Galli-Angelini, defined such as the plastic at the time was almost unknown.
on the door, Mario Caponi would, in brief, write the history of the monument down, because it was not quite obvious, in those days, which was then rebuilt as it happened.

" La Rocca di San Miniato, built by Otto I in 968 and destroyed by the retreating Germans, the date of July 23, 1944. This plate belonged to the lighthouse votive that San Miniato had erected on the tower in memory of those killed in the victorious war of 1915-18 .
These are the words written on the door by Mario Caponi.

now trying to understand how the lighthouse.
First, being well past 66 years since the last time was on, it should be noted that there are conflicting opinions. In particular we will analyze the testimony of Mario Caponi and Don Luciano Marrucci.
Mario Caponi said that the lighthouse was placed on a pedestal, which formed a kind of terrace which is accessed through a simple ladder. From the media ran a "neck" on which were placed three branches, each one for each light. Above the "onion" with three bright eyes, each for every color of the Italian flag: green, white and red. However, Mario Caponi increasingly clear that a rule was the only lighthouse on "white", which actually tended to yellow, while the other two lighted only on special occasions.
Luciano Marrucci, while, that the lighthouse was made up of a single lamp, white or yellow and does not remember the terraces or platforms.
To get an idea we can also see a historical photography, we can not publish because protected by copyright, owned Fratelli Alinari. To see it is very simple:

Paste the following url into the address bar of your browser
( to put the direct link, known as "link", you need the permission!)
Top left, in the "Wizard", type: Federico Torre Miniato.
then appear two images, the second of which is what interests us most. Click on image for more details.

The photograph, however, does not help us much: it shows clearly only one eye, but it is not known if there were others. In 1930, when it was taken, there is no trace of the platform and recorded by Mario Caponi also drawn by him on the door. Could it be that the terrace was built at a later time.
So remain unclear, the questions about how much light and if it had with a platform.

The German Government, in the '50s, when the tower was rebuilt according to the design engineers and Baldi Brizzi, War Veterans Association donated a new lighthouse to be placed on top of the spool higher once construction was completed. This article is completely different in the features, the original, even if it consists of three lights, green, white and red, as described by Mario Caponi. Around 1990, the lighthouse went to the War Veterans Association Pro Loco di San Miniato, who still keeps in its own stock.

The beacon sent by the German Government
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi
by kind concession of Pro Loco di San Miniato

As also mentioned by John Smith in the October 30, 2010, throughout the postwar period there has always been strong opposition to the restoration of the lighthouse on the Rock, as it was considered one of the many means of propaganda of the then fascist regime. We will
now closer to understanding the local and national context in which it was decided to install the spot.
Mario Caponi recalls that the then Municipality of San Miniato was demonstrated, since the end of the "Great War", one of the most common active at national level for the celebrations of the painful Italian victory. Not to mention the memorial plaza in San Miniato S. Catherine, and a Egola Bridge Piazza Spalletti Stellato, Mario Caponi says that San Miniato was the first town in Italy to create the so-called "Avenue of Remembrance," which still exist forever. One is located in the capital, and the road from Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, leading into Piazza del Duomo and should be the first made. The others are at Cigoli (the stone is cut to 30 March 19 ...) and Balconevisi (later, made in 1926).

Targa Balconevisi the beginning of the town as a castle.
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

In this sense, it is necessary to recall the gravestones placed in every parish church, on the front or inside. Each village had its own commemorative inscription. And all dating from the early '20s show (For example, the epigraph placed at the base of the tower of a bridge Egola back on July 30, 1922). The "March on Rome" took place October 28, 1922.
Not that this page is meant to make the historical revisionism, indeed, but it is difficult to determine objectively what there was of fascism in these celebrations. Or rather, the regime certainly used it, but he was probably the original creator. Even so, in support of the plates and inscriptions, no trace of the "symbols" of fascism, not even scratched, partially destroyed or summarily canceled, as it is to be found elsewhere. It seems that these works are more commemorative the result of a strong popular sentiment then. In the town of San Miniato those who fell in the Great War were over 300 people and really felt a sense of sacrifice for national unity, after the victory of 1918 could be considered truly accomplished.

So, what to do? Restore the lighthouse or not?

Don Luciano Marrucci has always said enthusiastically. Contends that it was something incredible, beautiful and projected the image of San Miniato in most of Tuscany. Remember that Lea Leoni Benedetti, who recently passed away, declared himself willing to even make a contribution because the economic return on the Rock lighthouse.
also agree Mario Rossi, a former member of the PCI, which speaks clearly of the "wall to be removed, also by virtue of a return in terms of tourism.

La Rocca with Faro
Photomontage of Francis Fiumalbi

differently, however, Mario Caponi, " has been a long time , and the image of the fortress of San Miniato and this is now. It had to be restored immediately, but now it's late and then it would be a danger to aircraft .
The thought of Alfonso Lippi, Mayor of San Miniato from 1990 to 1999, in a 1996 letter sent to the Pro Loco and reported by Carlo Baroni in the October 30, declared: " Some say that is a form to remember the fallen of all wars, repeating the same argument of the '30s, not realizing that if certain externality could somehow respond to the rhetoric of the aesthetic of that time, the same can not be said for our " .
Along the same lines Lippi also held in 1996 by the Italian Communists, as shown in 2 November, called for "(...) give up the reconstruction of the symbols of fascist rhetoric (...) .
The current mayor, Vittorio Gabbanini, it is that possibility, at least to address the issue again. We'll see how the debate will evolve.

And you? What do you think?
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Thanks to Don Luciano Marrucci, Mario Caponi, Mr. Nicole Naccarato and courses of the Pro Loco Culture and the Office of the City of San Miniato, notably Mrs Franca, for their contribution in writing this article.

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