Saturday, October 30, 2010

Looking For Name Senegal Refugee Camp-2010


The category "San Miniato POETRY IN ..." has added a new contribution by Fabio Cappelli, who are the heart . This is a poem dedicated to San Miniato.
Fabio Cappelli can, with great sensitivity to translate into words the value of history, landscape and symbolic importance for centuries the "City of the Rock."
We take ' opportunity to invite all those who wish to send in their compositions Smartarc, concerning the life, history, emotions and whatever relates to San Miniato and its territory (and thus also the villages and countryside), to share with others the love of our beautiful land.

San Miniato - Tribute
Fabio Cappelli

Where the densely wooded down green
the ruins have the flavor of time
the whitewashed light districts
are steps to a calm wind

valuable campaign blunt
gray broken by gullies
vineyards and cypress
curly wool in small flocks

still surrounds the imperial crown
The ELP tawny feline emblem
with the gun drawn and pointed
to be guarding the ford near large

the top of the hill stands
the valley off from the horizon
Port of San Miniato centuries
middle ground and solid bridge.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Incesto Solo Italiano


Francesco Fiumalbi

This report aims to collect documentary and various news coordinate the results of research took place over the years who have had purpose or made reference to the Church of San Saturnino factory on the site of Molino Egola of the Municipality of San Miniato.

Polarity Device systematic organization of the church, from late antiquity to the churches are to play a central role in the organization of settlements and social policy and Tuscany in particular. In that context, the "church" is not just a building, but the core of community structure, especially in areas far from major urban centers.
In this context, well-structured, the church of San Saturnino Factory is set up as main hub at the confluence of the geographic Valdegola with average Valdarno Inferiore. The building had to appear as a small settlement of an emergency situation, the village of Fabbrica. Located in a foothills area, what remains of the building is still detectable in some portions of the walls of a house in today's Egola Molino.

wall portion of the ancient church of San Saturnino
Photo courtesy of Don Luciano Niccolai

The village factory was mentioned for the first time in a parchment of the Archdiocese of Lucca in 770, in which Peredeo, Bishop of Lucca, a record donation of goods carried out in 767 by a priest named Liutprando, son of Pertulo inhabitant Factory (1). The name of the prelate, Liutprando, immediately calls to mind a far more illustrious namesake, the Lombard monarch Liutprando (about 690 - Pavia, January, 744) who was king of the Lombards and King of Italy from 712 until his death (2 ). E 'can be said, therefore, that the establishment of factory was controlled by the Lombards, though the name has a clear Latin origin ( Fabrica, a place where people work, from the Latin faber , working man (3)). Hence, the hypothesis that the first group of settlements are home for its location in the morphology hilly area in the pagus Romans, or administrative-territorial units in those rural areas. The location of this small town, now identified with the site where today there Egola of Molino, at the foot of the hill of Cigoli, in a flat position, not offshore that was clearly more uncomfortable. In Roman times there were no major defensive needs, and Quinctia crossing the road near the Arno valley, completely organized along the lines of centuriazione, that was flat, that flat is not so much about (being slightly raised, and then away flood!), an ideal place to establish an inhabited, although it is not excluded Etruscan seniority at least nearby.

Egola of Molino, the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of "Factory"
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Again, a parchment preserved in the archives of the Archbishop of Lucca, 859 dated Nov. 18, reports the lease of a farmhouse near factory and had been owned by Donald Jew (4).
The church, however, is named for the first only once in the year 867 (5). It is a parchment that records the level of a contract in which the abbess Huidiperga grants Cunerado, son of the case, two homes owned by the monastery of Santa Maria al Corso, located near the church, in Nova site (6), Perhaps the current Villanova (7) near Cigoli.
The parish church of San Saturnino is also mentioned in a charter of 904, which speaks of Plagia spot near the church that probably the current Piaggia (8).
In another important document, dated 907, Peter Bishop of Lucca, appoints Dominic officiating priest in the parish of St. John the Baptist and located in San Saturnino site et finibus Fabrica (9). The combination of St. John the Baptist in San Saturnino, confirms the designation of "church" because it was a church where she was administered the sacrament of baptism. This double dedication was very unusual at the time, staying in the area, the same church of Vico Wallari had just pulled in San Genesio San Giovanni Battista.
The church is also mentioned in a charter of 942, which covers the nearby village of Soffiano (10), located in the countryside near Ontraino.
Del 974 is instead the document issued by the Bishop of Lucca, which enshrines the economic control of the parish church of San Saturnino, the lords of Suggromigno (11). Also known as Dini, this is the first evidence of "feoffment" in the common medium Valdarno Inferiore, indicating the historic turning point in the administrative and military began during the Carolingian period.
No document refers to the date of foundation.

wall portion of the ancient church of San Saturnino
Photo courtesy of Don Luciano Niccolai

In the archival documents relating to the parish as there is a jump, although one should note the first mention of the castle of Cigoli, dated 1086. This testimony is very important in confirming the gradual transition from a settlement foothills to the more easily defensible hilltop. In the name of Castelvecchio memory remains of the fortified settlement at Factory, localization with the current Villa Sonnino (the first group was the property of Griffin). We have the proof of this cambiamento, ormai consolidato,  in un documento del 1231, quando viene indicato col termine Ceulae Vecchii (Cigoli Vecchio) il luogo d’origine di Ranieri di Ildebrandino: Acta sunt haec ante hospitium dictae potestatis in Sancto Miniate in presentia, e testimonio supradicti ludicis quondam Guicciardi Malpilii, quondam Rainerii lldebrandini dicti Ceulae Vecchii... (12)

Si passa al 1260, anno dell’Estimo della Diocesi di Lucca (13). La pieve di San Saturnino in Fabbrica è ancora attiva ed ha alle sue dipendenze:
-           Ecclesia S. Lucie de Montebicchieri
-           Ecclesia S. Petri de Vinosso
-           Ecclesia S. Salvatoris de Plagia
-           Ecclesia S. Michaelis de Castro de Ceuli
-           Ecclesia S. Petri de Guthano
-           Ecclesia Ss. Stephanie et Lucie de Scocolino
-           Ecclesia Ss. Romani e Mathei de Villa S. Romani
-           Ecclesia S. Iacobi de Villa S. Albini
-           Ecclesia SS Martini et de Laurenti Villanova
- Ecclesia S. Donati de Mugnano
- Ecclesia S. Marie Magdalene de Puticciano
- Ecclesia S. Petri de Montealto
-           Ecclesia S. Marie de Suffiano
-           Ecclesia S. Silvestri de Comugnori
-           Ecclesia S. Martini de Ventignano
-           Ecclesia S. Marie de Fibbiastre
-           Monasterium S. Iocunde
-           Ecclesia S. Andree de Baculla

Cigoli Castle in 300, was in the middle of fights between San Miniato and Pisa. The latter Cigoli sacked in 1312 and returned there in 1314, led by the mayor Uguccione Faggiola, leaving his castle with a special military garrison. Following the Florentine army freed the castle from Pisa and demanded that it come back in the hands of San Miniato. However, this did not happen. I rebelled against the San Miniato Florence in 1370 and hence the decision to make a small Cigoli autonomous municipality, with jurisdiction over other centers, first conquered by Pisa, which Montebicchieri, and Stibbio Leporaia (14). This situation will continue until 1774 when Cigoli was annexed to the City of San Miniato.

The building which houses a portion of walls of the old parish Factory
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

A These military events interweave with those of the parish church of San Saturnino in that factory in 1260 and still plays its role, that role will gradually be reduced in favor of the church of San Michele Cigoli, thanks to the miraculous image of Our Lady, preserved in the oratory of the Virgin company. The thing must be very considerable if the bags Cigoli compares the church of the Santissima Annunziata of Florence and the church Impruneta (15). In 1333, disputes arose between this fraternity and the rector of the church regarding the management of the offerings left by pilgrims: the rector claimed it as a part of the celebrant of the liturgical functions, while the company used them to build a hospital. The controversy continued until the company gave the image of the Virgin and the Oratory of All Saints Humble the brothers in 1335. The people Cigoli did the same with the patronage of the church, and then the recipients of the donation in 1339 founded the convent of Santa Maria (16). The name of the church then became Santa Maria and Michael (17).

armed conflicts, with the consequent destruction, and epidemics of plague that struck several times the population and the formation of a military employee from Florence drastically reduced the number of people allocated to bottom of the hill resort in the factory. To confirm this, we have news that in 1372 the baptismal font was moved from the parish church of San Saturnino Factory in the church of San Michele di Cigoli. Only much Later, as a further consequence of a demographic decline that occurred a long time already, in 1447 the accolades will definitely care Factory, Piaggio and Leporaia (18).

Many bibliographic sources, relying on an inscription in the pedestal, they say that the current font Cigoli is stored at the parish of the original factory. From a purely stylistic does not seem that this fact is so ascertained. The article has a marble composition formally decided later, away from those forms bassomedioevali which can be found in other contemporary pieces. More plausible however, that the inclusion refers to the ideal transfer of ownership of the source, or remember the original source now lost.

The parish church of San Saturnino was also named in memory of the birthplace of recovery, called "Castelvecchio", the father of John, registrar of the municipality of San Miniato in 1394, and perhaps one of the last baptized in San Saturnino (19).
The church remained without Factory "Plebani," and this was investigated for the parish priest Antonio di Cristoforo da San Miniato, during the pastoral visit dated September 1466 (20). Finally, sanctioned the final abandonment of the Factory, the Bull of 20 June 1579, prepared by the Apostolic Delegate Mgr. Guidiccioni, in which the title and the rectory were moved from the church of San Saturnino in the Santa Maria and Michael, obtained approval from their priests, in charge of Peter Usimbardi Cigoli Ludovico Martelli and rector of the factory. With the same document, the Church of Cigoli took the name of St. John the Baptist (21).
Village Factory, as well as the location for the roads, safe from floods, could also count on a direct water supply, in what is now known as Source Lotti, only a portion of which remains.

Source Lotti
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

In the period 1946 to 1989 is to be reported the loss of a crenellated tower, demolished around 1960 in a speech demolition and extension, the architectural structure was built after the church and probably was the bell tower. The Dini contains the words of Ms tertile, which owns the building, " us not only rained in, but was also the refuge of all the owls nearby, the builders were unable to demolish "(22). Also on Dini said that in the adjacent fields were discovered during normal cultivation of human bones. This is not surprising since it was customary to bury the dead consolidated around the churches.

Source Lotti
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

In 2006, the landslide washed away the soil, formed during the for an investigation, according to the Superintendency for the Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany, in the person of the inspector of the area, Dr. Julius Ciampoltrini, in the parish church of San Saturnino Factory. The measurements and analysis were conducted by Vanni Desideri (23).
The results of these recent excavations, dimensionally confined to a section of about 20 meters, have unearthed the remains of two separate houses, the same type, being part of it inhabited. He kept the floor plan in clay, covered with mounds of material, probably belonging to the roof structure, such as roof tiles and slate. The walls had to be, instead of raw earth. Have been found some pieces of pottery and metal, according to the analysis of desires, should still be functional at the time of the collapse. All this suggests that the destructive event has been rapid, suggesting a fire (accidental or violent?). According to Want, these findings can be dated no later than the thirteenth century, which could suggest a backdating of the decline of the village of Factory (24), whose departure is dated from the mid-fourteenth century.


(1) Mandorlini Fabrizio (ed.), squeaks, and the Virgin Mother of Children, FM Publishing, San Miniato, 2002, p.. 17.
(4) Mandorlini, Op Cit., p.. 17.
(5) Stock Archdiocese of Lucca + + H16, in Dini Francesco behind our centuries Publishing Center and Chart, Santa Croce, 1979, p.. 39.
(6) Dini, Op Cit. p.. 74.
(7) Vallini Valerio, Castelvecchio matrix Cigoli , http://www.valeriovallini.i t
(8) pleadings and documents, Bertini, Lucca, doc. MLXXVII, Volume V, page 3, in Dini, Op Cit., P.. 76.
(9) Emanuele Repetti, Historical Dictionary of Physical Geography Tuscany , Florence, 1883. See "Buildings in the lower valley of the Arno."
(10) Bertini, Op Cit., Doc. MCCLXXXIX, in Dini, Op Cit., P.. 78.
(11)    Bertini, Op. Cit., doc. MCCCCXLVIII, in Dini, Op. Cit., pag. 79.
(12)    Bonincontri Laurentii Historia Sicula, in G. Lami, Deliciae eruditorum seu veterum anekdoton opusculorum collectanea, VI, Florentiae 1739, p.157, riportato da Vallini Valerio,
(13) P. Guidi, Tuscia Rationes Decimarum Italiae, Rome, 1932, BPL, Ms. 135, in Dini, Op Cit., P.. 116.
(14) Repetti, Op Cit. See the "Cigoli.
(15) Paolo Morelli, church institutions, in AAVV The hills of San Miniato (Pisa): the nature and history, Supplement No. 1 to vol. 14 (1995) Papers of the Museum of Natural History in Livorno, National Research Council, the Province of Pisa.
(16) Ibid.
(17) Mandorlini, Op Cit., P.. 18.
(18) Vallini Valerio, Op Cit.
(19) Ibid.
(20) Mannari Lelio, Historical News. Our Lady of Cigoli, in The Sunday, July 18, 1965, in Mandorlini, Op Cit., P.. 21.
(21) Mandorlini, Op Cit., P.. 23.
(22) Dini, Op Cit. , p. 40.
(23) Vallini Valerio, Op Cit.
(24) Ibid.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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ADVENTURES Sanminiatese

Related Articles:

This post aims to tell the team SMARTARC "field research" conducted on October 9, 2010. It is the first and will not even last. Simply put, the article is to bring all of those who are interested in these research experiences, and maybe join the group. As you can see us read and research participants are not professionals or people with some kind of cultural backgrounds. We are simple people, united by friendship, curiosity and the desire to know more about the Municipality of San Miniato.

Date: October 9, 2010
Path: La Scala (from the parking lot of the cemetery) - San Miniato ("Retirement Home"), through an old route no longer used by normal road car.
Participants: Massimo Bertini, Marco Cardanelli, Costagli Rita and little Matilda, Fiumalbi Francesco Guardini Alessio.

Let's take a look at the "treasure maps", a Charter of the Captains of the cadastral plan and a plant built in '39-'40. Ready to go! Direction: Pancole!

The "team Smartarc"
Pictures Rita Costagli (there too, but he was doing the pictures ...)

Sources We take away and immediately turn in Via San Piero, the road that leads to the homonymous church. A few steps and there the Charter of the Captains of the us in 1584 indicates the "Properties of the Spedale della Scala". Instead the traffic lights between the Tuscan-Romagna, Via Trento Sanminiatese and so there is marked the "Workshop of the Hospital." It means that along the main line of communication there was to be the hospital itself, but a kind of pharmacy, next to the post office. In fact, the symbol of the "ladder" that we see on the main road is made of iron. It was clearly a sign, while the hospital had to have a coat of arms, and this could only be made of stone. Let the hospital.

begin to rise and see a lady at the window but can not tell us much. Her husband arrives, and he reveals an interesting detail: right next to his home, in the two adjoining houses are very thick walls, given approximately 80-100 cm with arms, without knowing how to say the least. We do not have the mathematical certainty, but by virtue of mighty walls and an indication of the Charter of 500, we can conclude with reasonable certainty, that we have located the old hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, which was named the town of La Scala.

"What is the Hospital of La Scala" (note Alessio version 007)
Pictures Rita Costagli

The two houses with massive walls inside them:
in all likelihood stand on what was once the hospital of La Scala.
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Massimo Bertini, a member of the expedition, he almost fainted (joking!) Because he was born and raised in La Scala, but did not know that the hospital does not is at the crossroads. And so, between confused and amused urges us to continue to Pancole.
go down and resume via sources. A little further on we stopped again at the old water plant "generous." There was once bottled water that flowed from the old sources of St. Peter (or Peter). Already, these sources, they ended up?

The former water plant "La Generosa"
Pictures Rita Costagli

As we look out from the old plant, comes a man who knows Max. I inquire of him: where are the sources? Where were the washrooms?
In the recent book by Manuela Paredes and Fiordispina Delio, "Wells, wells, cisterns and aqueducts" there is much talk of the exploitation of sources of St. Peter, although not record the exact location of the structures. So, in that book, on pg. 109 we have a map that shows the aqueduct (Archives of the City of San Miniato F200 S132 UF23) while on pg. 121 is a beautiful vintage photos depicting old washing.
Man presents us with the old lady Anna, who lives nearby, which makes us get a warm reception on the ground floor and also allows us to make some photographs that we propose below. The lady also tells us the ground under which we are still washing, just buried under a few inches of land.

The land under which there should still be washing
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

We enter the ground floor of the house of Mrs. Anna, which as said has allowed us to make some photographs. What may seem like a normal store proved a treasure chest instead of a real treasure.

The "Porticciolo
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

That house was the" Keeper of the Waters of generation, or her deceased husband. And, almost like a Hollywood movie, we are faced with some big machines. Finally, a marina, close by who knows how long.
Armed with a flashlight, we take courage and open the door, SURPRISE!

The door
Pictures Rita Costagli

The tank "secret"
Photo of Rita Costagli

In our eyes is a big underground room. A sort of tank, containing crystal water. The environment is covered with two large arches supporting vaults. The environment is plastered. You can see the bottom. At the other end a big well that we do not know how deep. There seems to be a step by step toward the center of the earth. It 'great emotion. This was the cistern that collected water to wash and then went from there to generation.
Ms Anna tells a legend. Two brothers, who calls St. Paul and St. Peter's come close to the source. Here to protect the precious water left a crucifix, which is probably at the bottom of the well. Also in the "hole" there should be a marble head, ancient, belonging to a statue perhaps Etruscan.
This might be unlikely. But a bit 'over the place and the atmosphere creates a bit 'our hunger for mystery, we are all equally impressed. Who knows?!
The Lord invites us to get something to drink, but the way to go is still very long, we're just at the foot of the hill. So, we thank the woman for the great kindness and availability and taking the road .

Street sources, we begin to climb
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

begin the ascent towards San Miniato. The road is now a footpath. We see two big arches, which closely resemble the Fairies Sources, size and workmanship. I was hit. Probably it is a structure that supports the embankment above, but it could also be the mouth of the ancient sources of San Piero. On the map, could also return.

The two arches
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

The road is steep, but is not steep. E ' sweet, that walking is a pleasure. We see two major developments: San Lorenzo a little farther Nocicchio and the convent of San Francesco. The views are unusual and so, also because of the beautiful day, we seem even more beautiful and fascinating. Higher up the "Rock", as proud as ever.

Nocicchio in San Lorenzo, retro
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

San Francisco and the Rock
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Via Sources
Photos Francesco Fiumalbi

begin to see the construction of the home, the area called Pancole, or our goal. Flanked by trees, the landscape of the hill stands out in San Miniato all its beauty, from a new point of view. Few are the people who recently have traveled this path, if we exclude those who live there.
The road, unfortunately, is bad. The real path disappears, giving way to grass. The slope increases.

Via Sources
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Via Sources (what remains)
Photo by Francesco

Via Sources (what remains), we see a bow
Photos of Francis Fiumalbi

We are nearly there. San Miniato is in front of us, lying like a snake on the crest of the hill. We see the old people's home and, mysteriously, we see emerge from behind the vegetation a big bow. What is it? We approach.

sources Pancole
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

are the sources of Pancole! Here they are finally in front of our eyes. Sources we immediately notice the similarity with the Fairies. Two arches, much larger than those of "the Fairies", but of similar structure. Within the right opens a small window in the right a little door. What do we do? We go in?
The thought of not even go there almost for a moment.

sources Pancole, knock knock, anybody home?
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Put your head inside. We do not enter because the floor is very wet and you could not slip having the right shoes. Stretch, however, our photographic objectives.

Pancole sources (internal)
Photos of Francis Fiumalbi

The interior consists of three rooms. The biggest one, from which you can enter is entirely in brick, with roof vaults. Inside there is a three-phase motor pump was used to pump water to the city waterworks and then to the fields. One can see the two smaller rooms: the smallest one with the source itself, the other contains the other hand, a tank to collect water. The wall that divides the main room from the pool is definitely the next and it is a thin curtain, partially collapsed.
Dilva Lotti, in his book Time in San Miniato, traces the sources Pancole Etruscan and Roman times, even calling them "spa". We can not be known. It 'clear that these were important for the water supply of the inhabitants of the hill of San Miniato. The vault, which dates back to the architectural and structural model actually Roman. However, the size and technique of assembly of the brick walls could be traced back to the construction of the building of the source to a period ranging from 1200 to 1400. Here, as before, who knows!?

moment of refreshment to the Sources of Pancole
Pictures Rita Costagli

still continue towards the Piazzetta Pancole. The road is definitely not good: the path is completely invaded by grass, there is the trace of an old brick pavement disintegrated by now, are starting to find waste, such as bottles, cans, paper.

Way Pancole (what's left of it)
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

Finally, with a little 'to fatigue at the car park under the Retirement Home. We note that the last stretch of road we have traveled is not the original. Here is the entrance way of Pancole, no longer viable.

Via Pancole (what remains)
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

We arrived at the destination. From here the view is wonderful. Unpublished views open up before our eyes: the just reward for the effort spent in ascent.

San Francisco and the Rock by Piazzetta Pancole
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

"Palace of Briccola" (?)
Photo by Francesco Fiumalbi

the morning is over. We have re-discovered a lot of things, great and small. We had fun and we have enriched! What could be better than to stay with friends to look for traces of our past?

As Alex says in his poem ...

And those who try, do not even know what
fear, her, life is boring.

If you want to join this small experience of "field research", contact SMARTARC on Facebook, or at smartarc.blogspot @

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Is A Cervix Befor Menstuation

Outright ... POETIC

With this post we want to usher in a new book that proposes new content for this blog than the reader was accustomed.
It is worth mentioning that our products are the result, yes, a detailed literature searches, but are primarily the result of "field testing", or of unknown sites in the effort out of our territory.
who participated in this research know how rewarding when they are rediscovered, sometimes by accident, treasures of art and architecture, testimonials of our past left behind, alas, for years in obscurity and 'neglect.
Having said that, with this post we want to tell you about our research and discovery and the best way to describe the strong emotions it transmits, sounded like poetry.
a frequent patrols of our weekly delights, without claiming to be called a poet, to compose rhyming heroic verse in the eighth and today, inspired by Clio, the muse of his favorite, offers the reader his verses.
The events recounted here are based on an inspection by the sources to the Sources of St. Peter Pancole, which will be another post on the pages of this blog.

The book begins with this post is called: San Miniato ... In poetry, and will have the following logo:

Water Generosa
Alessio Guardini
Clio, give me a spirit of imaginative!
The history of today, to be told, asks
passion eloquent and copious
When he had the one who drank the water first and spotless
called the Source, that God brought to the valley, where the legend of a

century ago saw the passing St. Paul and St. Peter.

What we now write with my meter,
exhibition tells an old lady, she keeps in a corner

bleak stories for people like us, still seek
under that water, which sembraci glass
's shadow of a saint has been so far.
The water that feeds the brain
today we took the thirst of our castle!

C'incamminiamo up there towards the
welcome with a heart full of energy, on the other Source
already follow a sign,
imagine what your imagination.
The discovery is the most beautiful
in the territory of birth there is!
And those who try, do not even know what
fear, her, life is boring.

(dedicated to Rita, Matilda, Francis, Marco and Massimo
and all those who never tire of trying again ...)